United States Australian Football League Umpires Association – USAFLUA



The United States Australian Football League Umpires Association (USAFLUA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit sports organization dedicated to the development, growth, and enhancement of umpires for the game of Australian Football.


2024 Nationals Umpires – Final Update

October, 4, 2024

Nationals Umpire Team,

This is the final update before we convene in Austin, TX next Friday! Please read it in its entirety, as this contains a ton of updates and useful information.

See the email that was sent directly to you to see the what your game assignments are, at this time.

The attached schedule in the email that I sent to you is version 1. It is based on the information I have as of right now on October 4, and as I promised previously, I am sending out this version one week before the tournament. After I make whatever changes are requested, I’ll have some hard copies in this format at the Friday meeting, and in the tent on the weekend, but really it will be the big sheets (the ones that go on a whole table) where you will see the teams and crews that are assigned to each game of the tournament. With that said, on to the rest of the details on the weekend.

If you need help with transport from the airport on Thursday or Friday, let me know. I’ll see if anyone is able to help.

We will have an informal dinner for those who are around on Thursday evening probably 7 pm. Let me know if you would like to hang out pre-carnival.


2-5 pm Coopers Field, Onion Creek Soccer Complex
Here is who said YES they are coming and who said MAYBE. If your name is not on this list you responded NO. If your status is changed, let me know as Richard and I are organizing the Clinic so you will get the most out of it.

Stephen Arnott Level 2
Jeffrey Blankman Level 1
Rob”Lloydy” Bridges Candidate
Stephen Butler Level 2
Brendan Dye Level 2
Liam Dye Level 2
Andrew Harrison Level 2
Darren Henderson Level 1
Jay Hunter Level 0
David Martin Candidate
Jacinda McCarthy Level 1
Ian McCormick Level 0
Ross McLaren Level 2
Jonathan Mills Level 2
Kevin Murray Level 2
Richard Ogilvie Level 2
Peter Pearce Level 2
Jeff Persson Level 2
Paul”Ren” Renouf Level 1
Shaun Rothe Level 2
Vicky Schoennagel Level 1
AndrewEric Wang Candidate

Sid Caesar Level 2
Daniel Estes Level 2
Mark Gall Level 2
Evan Ling Level 1
Steve Miller Level 2
Tara Miller Level 1
Aaron Nelson Level 2
Logan Nelson Level 1
Jennifer Vandeveer Level 0
Tyler Wykoff Candidate

Angus Drenen Level 1

Tom Barrett Maybe
Jim Batten Maybe
Ellen deVries Maybe
Paul Enzinger Maybe
Kevin Gier Maybe
Paul LaShier Maybe
Milo Lombardi Maybe
Lochlan McDonald Maybe
Callum McKern Maybe
Robert Montanaro Maybe
Andrew Mueller Maybe
Jack O’Dell Maybe
Laurie Rupe Maybe
Brad Thompson Maybe
Aaron Wolff Maybe


7-9 pm Wyndham Garden Inn, 3401 South I-35, Austin, TX 78741, Meeting Room TBD

We will commence at 7 pm so grab dinner after you leave the clinic and we will see you in the meeting room.

Things to get sorted Friday to make Saturday easier:

UA gym bags – sign for yours!
Umpire shirts – if you are expecting one, we should be able to get you sorted tonight
W-9, printed schedule, changes to the schedule, getting paid afterwards

There are some details of the tournament we will discuss:

Umpire Central
Field layouts, players allowed by division, player count procedure
Assignments (field, goal, boundary, coach) – I have this completed as a first draft. Reviewing now to see if I need to make any changes before sending out.
BTS duties
BAF votes, game footies

The AGM will be at 8 pm and the meeting will pause until the AGM concludes. The AGM is a few short reports and the election of the four positions whose terms expire. There are no bylaws revisions this year.

After the meeting I need all umpire coaches to stay afterwards for observation prep review.



If you are working at 8 am – be on site by 7:15 am and get your team together
If you are working any time after 8 am be on site 7:30 if you want to be in the team picture at 7:45 am in front of Umpire Central, otherwise be on site by 8:15 and get your team together
If you are with your club to play/coach and can’t make the team picture, we understand

Games are on the hour, make every effort to start on time.

Field Umpires – no one has back to back field assignments!!! Go out as a team, although sometimes your partner may be coming of another field. Bring a game footy (men’s/women’s) with you. At half-time, grab the footy! As soon as the final siren goes, grab the footy!!

Goal Umpires – I tried to put you in teams on the same field for back-to-back as much as I could given the parameters of assigning. When this happens, take cards with you and send the first game back to the tent with the field umpires. Your flags are in the holders at each end of the field. Leave them there after the game for the next game.

Boundary Umpires – If anyone wants to work boundary, use Field 1 (although Field 5 is smaller so that may be easier to run). Observations – must be completed if we are to do any accreditation.

BTS duties – Clubs are supposed to check in 15 minutes prior to game at the Umpire Tent and get whistles and go to the field to be ready to start stop watches and air horns are at the scoreboards. If teams are late or don’t show (all 6 positions), report that on the goal cards.
BAF votes (3 votes-2-1) go on the goal cards (team and number); discuss at half time and get the votes done quickly after the game. Goalies – both cards go to the table in Umpire Central

Caution/Ejection Form – we will have a folder at the Umpire Tent with this form. If you issue a Yellow(Caution) or Red(Ejection) card, you must inform the player and coach immediately after the game and then do your paperwork. For an Ejection and you have another game right after, we may need to swap you out as the tribunal has to be completed before that player’s next game. Notify the Field Marshall if in the tent if you need help. The form has to go the league (Tournament central is next to Umpire Central) for processing and there should be a league rep there to receive and process it.

Observations – there will be 75 Observations (not counting boundary) on the weekend with the vast majority being on Saturday
If you are being observed, tell your observer what you want to work on that game (1-2 keys). Listen at half-time to the feedback as you will only have 2 minutes or so. After the game you will have about 5 minutes (unless you aren’t working the next hour).

Coaches – all observation forms are pre-printed. You will get a clipboard and pen. Be sure to write legibly with comments – whatever you can’t get to during the few minutes during the game will be communicated later (all forms will be sent to the umpire by PDF after the tournament). Return the form to the designated folder at Umpire Central

6 pm – all coaches are to meet at Umpire Central to review the observations as a group.

Water and Food – we will have water, snacks, fruit, etc. at the Umpire Tent. Be sure to stay hydrated and do whatever you need to make sure you don’t cramp in the heat.

Sunday Finals Boundary Sign Up – please sign up (the Sheet will be in Umpire Central) for boundary duty during finals. We have four (4) finals at 1 pm and lots of us are working at Noon and lots of us may be playing/coaching/resting for 2 pm finals. Based on Saturday’s results (as well as Sunday’s) we will get those staffed. Remember, these pay as well and we will likely need people running back to back.

Changes to Assignments – if you work anything differently from what is assigned, be sure to record that on the big sheets (the ones we tape to the tables in the tent). As much as I think I have the schedule ‘nailed’ I know there will be a good number of changes. I use these sheets to make any changes in my master spreadsheet for payment calculations. If you are a “volunteer” (you know what I mean), still record all changes.

8-10 pm Wyndham Garden Inn, 3401 South I-35, Austin, TX 78741, Meeting Room TBD

Dinner – we will have pizza and salad and cookies for everyone. Same room as Friday (we have the room for the weekend). Non-alcoholic beverages (at least until dinner Sunday!)

Announcements – the USAFL may make some changes for Sunday based on Saturday results. Depending on the announcements I may need time to get things sorted for Sunday morning. If so, you will need to be ready to work at 8 am Sunday (be on site 7:15 am).

Accreditations – we have 30+ shooting for accreditation. Those that earn it will be announced and receive their certificates.

Finals – There are 8 finals (including W1 3rd place) so that means a lot of finals assignments. My goal is to have these completely sorted out to announce at the meeting. If that is not possible, I’ll have it worked out and posted in Umpire Central first thing Sunday morning.



Same rules apply as Saturday for start times, food/water,etc. Assignment changes must be recorded as well.

Thank the Tent Queens. They will have worked their butts off all weekend for you.

FINALS – Finals Teams will gather at Umpire Central (field, goal, boundary, and Timer/Scorekeeper) for team picture. Millsy is the leader for getting teams together. Go to the field and return as a team.

Medals – Finals includes medals. We will try to have your medals for you as you come off the field. Field Umpire medals are awarded as part of the closing ceremony.

Be sure we leave no trash. Grab any leftovers for the road. Help break down and store all our gear for next year.

Location TBD, approx 8 pm
We will have an informal dinner at a local steak house. Millsy is in charge of the location. Likely to be 8 pm. All our Aussie guests and Tent Queens are our VIPs. If you are around (i.e. not with your team and are not totally sick of us at this point!) be sure to let Millsy know.

If you need help with transport to the airport on Sunday or Monday, Ask around during the weekend. Should be a good number of rental cars around.


I will try to have all payment information sent to the league by TUESDAY. Ideally, checks and e-checks will be in your hands before Halloween. Note: if you are to receive a paycheck (not reimbursement) and have not completed your W-9, your pay will be held up until you do so.
Last ToDo – I’ll PDF and send out the observation forms (and record all updates in the master database to be ready for next year). This takes a while so it may be a week or so.

If you read all of this, you are a trooper and that means you are ready to be on the UA Board or help as an Assistant Tournament Director (not kidding, we need the help!).

If I missed anything, please let me know.

See you in Austin, Pardnuh!

Jeff Persson
obo/Toby Persson
USAFLUA Tournament Director


USAFLUA Pre-Nationals Umpire Clinic from Monday, September 16

If you missed the final USAFL Umpires Association virtual clinic of the year on Monday, September 16th, 2024, please see the link below to view the USAFLUA YouTube video.




USAFLUA President’s Update – August 26, 2024

USAFL UA Umpires!

Greetings from your board and we hope everyone is enjoying the second half of the season.

Hard to believe that it is only two months until Nationals, but as of right now, we are in full swing getting prepared. We anticipate that the event in Austin, TX will be the same size as last year’s in Sarasota, FL and we will be looking for everyone to step up and be a part of the largest footy carnival in the world! More information about the Nationals can be found at https://usafl.com/nationals/2024.

Here are some updates for everyone to be aware of:

1) Our pay rates were increased in 2024 by $5 across the board. Those working the two Regional tournaments should have seen that reflected in their pay. If you are not sure of the rates, go to Umpire Pay Rates – USAFL Umpires Association (usaflua.org)

2) You should have received an email from Jeff/Toby as Tournament Director with a link to the Nationals Survey.  Please fill that out quickly so we can get busy on all the various aspects of preparation. Thank you to the nearly 50 of you who have already responded! We have 29 confirmed attendees and we anticipate needing 60-65, so even now we are halfway there! Please contact Jeff at jeff.persson@usafl.com for more information.

3) In addition to the upcoming virtual clinic on Monday, September 16, 8pm ET/5 pm PT (for which we will be sending a separate notice with the agenda) we are building a more rigorous Nationals Clinic agenda to include Boundary umpire training as well. These are excellent opportunities for umpires at all levels to keep learning and work toward accreditation and re-accreditation.

4) I am pleased to announce that the Board approved on Monday that all umpires working at Nationals this year will receive a USAFLUA gear bag (yes, with our logo on it!) for you to have for all your umpire gear!

5) Last and not least: We will have our Annual General Meeting on Friday night of Nationals. As you likely know, we elect half our board members each year with each serving a two year term. And as not all of these positions will have an incumbent, we are seeking those who are interested in helping run the UA. This is a great way to get involved. Be aware that current board members may be reaching out to you to gauge your interest, but even if you don’t receive a call, you can still reach out to us!  There is a nomination form, but you don’t have to wait to see if someone nominates you – you can nominate yourself!

So there you have it: two months to go until we gather again for our annual bash. If you have questions, please reach out. And we look forward to seeing everyone again in Texas.  YeeeHaaww!

Play On!

Jonathan Mills



USAFL Umpires Association




2024 USAFL Nationals Umpire Availability Survey – Come Umpire Footy with Us in Austin!

It’s that time again… NATIONALS!!


Austin, Texas – 11-13OCT24

Please take a few minutes to complete the Sign Up form.

If you know you won’t attend, please complete this anyway so I know that you have responded.

I won’t bug anyone again until the end of August.

If your plans are unsure or might change, please complete what you know now, and then when things change, complete it again with the updated information.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Looking forward to another fantastic Nationals with everyone.


2024 USAFL NATIONALS Umpiring Signups



Jeff Persson

obo/Toby Persson

USAFLUA Tournament Director



USAFL Umpires Association President’s Mid Season Update – July 2024

Greetings, Fellow UA Umpires!

It’s late July and that means we are halfway through the 2024 season. I hope everyone is having an excellent year.  This update is meant to make sure everyone is up to speed with what has happened so far, what is going on currently, and what we still have coming up for the rest of the year.  Don’t hesitate to reach out and be a part of the action!


At this point, we have 81 paid members in the UA, which exceeds the record established in 2023!  Thank you all for your continued involvement in growing our group, our profession, and yourselves.  The UA exists for you and to support you.  Read on to see if you agree that we are meeting your needs.


This is near and dear to everyone’s wallet heart so just to be clear, the USAFL approved the $5/game increase to all pay rates. These were in effect for the two Super Regional Tournaments held in June.  They are also reflected on the new web page which is under the Accreditation listing in the banner.  Along with this change is a new requirement for USAFL payments (applies to Nationals and Regionals tournaments hosted by the USAFL) – for an umpire to get paid you must have a completed W-9 on file.  This is a legal requirement that brings the USAFL into compliance with income reporting. The instructions and the form are Here.


“I agree, we should have rules”, USAFL UA Vice President and Rules Committee Chairperson, Stephen Arnott.

The USAFL rules updates for 2024 were approved by the UA and the USAFL and were posted to the UA website in April.  You can review them Here. Special note: the “Stand” rule which everyone surely hears and sees in AFL games was originally adopted for 2024 and communicated to umpires on the virtual clinics, but has since been reversed and will not be applied in USAFL games.


The USAFL has hosted two virtual clinics thus far in 2024, with the first on February 26​ entitled “Match Management“. It focused on the tools and techniques that are available “and should be used” for umpires to control matches, and frankly, are part of the accreditation process. I recommend everyone review this at least once a year as a good reminder.

The second clinic was held on May 7th and focused on the Accreditation Review, Rules Update, and Interactive Field and Goal Umpire Positioning.  The bulk of this clinic focuses on the use of an interactive “whiteboard” to illustrate umpire positioning (field, goal, and boundary) in multiple common situations.  This included center bounce, boundary throw-in, kick-in, and general field play, with the icons/pictures of the umpires (and ball movement) literally moving on the screen to show how umpires need to position themselves to be in the best position to adjudicate calls.  Be sure to review this one, and please, give us your feedback.

The final clinic will be held on Monday, September 16th, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.  The agenda and notice have not been set yet but put it in your calendar, as it will certainly be a good prep for Nationals.


Both Super Regionals were held in June with the East/Central in Dayton, OH and Western in Salt Lake City, UT.  They were run without incident, as 30 umpires covered the duties in the East/Central, and 10 field umpires handled the Western.  I believe it is the first time that there have been no yellow or red cards issued in either Regional in one year!  The new pay rates (as mentioned above) were applicable, and the feedback from across the USAFL was highly positive. Great work, everyone!


​Next week, the TransAtlantic Cup will take place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Richard Ogilvie, AFL Canada Liaison, is heading this up in conjunction with Laurie Rupe, USAFL UA International Liaison, and of course the AFL as the host organization.  This event is an intermediate step to returning to the International Cup of AFL which was to be held in 2020 but was cancelled due to Covid.  It includes teams from the Americas and Europe in both Men’s and Women’s divisions over the course of August 2-11.  Umpires from all those areas will represent.  The ultimate goal is for the International Cup to resume in Australia again, but that timeline is murky at this point.  Look for updates on how this event progresses in our communications in August.


Next up for us is the USAFL Nationals, being held Oct 11-13 in Austin, TX.  The survey asking for your availability will be going out later in July; be sure to respond even if you know you can’t make it.  The event this year will be similar to the previous post-Covid structure. Friday afternoon will be the on-field clinic with drills for each discipline being run by the umpire coaches.  The evening will have the Umpire meeting and Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the UA year will be reviewed and next year’s board members elected.  As always, any final rules questions will be addressed.  Umpire Observations will be completed in bundles on the weekend, and those who earn accreditation or re-accreditation will be honored at the Saturday Night Fete.


Lastly, a couple of updates for the board.  Adam Alvarez has stepped down due to competing work priorities. That leaves an open position​ on the USAFL Umpires Association Board of Directors. If you want to have a say in how things get done and what changes we make going forward, this is for you.  Please reach out to me and let me know if you are interested​ in filling the open USAFLUA Board position.

The second item has to do with Nationals.  Our Nationals coordinating team (which currently consists of Jeff and Toby) is looking for someone who wants to step up, learn, and help with the craziness of coordinating all the 500 assignments and 100 observations for the weekend.  It is important for the health of the UA that this knowledge resides in more than one or two brains (and the two it currently resides in are a bit suspect!).  Seriously, though, this is a great chance to really get involved in running the UA as this is the biggest footy event in the world and takes a lot of effort. 

So there it is; a lot has happened already and we have a bunch more activity coming up.  I look forward to seeing everyone at Nationals.  In the meantime….

Play On!

Jon “Millsy” Mills
USAFL UA President



USAFL Rule Changes and Interpretations

The latest USAFL Rule Changes and Interpretations can be found at:

2024 AFL-USAFL Rules and Interpretations Summary Chart MAY 24 Update


USAFL Umpire Virtual Clinic Video from May 7, 2024

Accreditation Update – New USAFL Rules – Interactive Field and Goal Umpire Positioning



Match Management Umpire Clinic Video

If you missed the Match Management Umpire Clinic in February, here is the video.




Looking Ahead to 2024

 A Letter From the President – Jonathan Mills

Greetings fellow Umpire Association Members,

Welcome to 2024! 2023 was the tenth year of our Association and it was a very successful season as we had a record number of member Umpires, outstanding umpire attendance at the Regional and National tournaments, and received many compliments on the work of our umpires from coaches, players, and observers. And with what your UA Board has planned for 2024, I am looking forward to an even better year this season. Let’s take a look at what is coming so you can begin planning your calendar…

Umpire Association Events:

February 26, 2024 – Umpire Clinic Webinar on “Match Management”

April 23, 2024 – General UA Membership Webinar

September 16, 2024 – Umpire Clinic and Nationals Preparation Webinar

October 11, 2024 – Umpire Association Annual General Meeting – Austin, Texas

USAFL League Events:

June 15, 2024 – USAFL Regional Super Regional Tournament – Dublin, Ohio

June 29, 2024 – USAFL Western Regional Tournament – Salt Lake City, Utah

August 2-11, 2024 – AFL Transatlantic Cup – Toronto, Ontario, CA

October 12-13, 2024 – USAFL National Tournament – Austin, Texas

Notes on key dates above:

We will be sending more info on the clinics as we get closer to them.

The National Team programs have been redesigned and have made umpires inclusive in their planning by creating an International Umpire Panel featuring a Umpire Liaison and a selection panel. More info on this as well as on the Transatlantic Cup is forthcoming.

The Super Regional will be huge! We hope as many of us can attend.

The Western Regional will bring us to Utah for the first time. While it may seem a bit distant and/or costly, it would make a great start or finish to vacation visiting the beautiful National Parks there :o)

And finally, as we head into this season, please keep these things in your headlights…

Start preparing now! Exercise both the body and the brain. Schedule up a work out regime that fits you. Take time to read and then re-read the laws of the AFL game AND the USAFL law adoptions and/or modifications.

Start Communicating now! If you are looking to improve your skills and advance to the next accreditation level, you need to get in touch with the UA Umpire Coaching staff early in the season so your work towards that next level is appropriate and focused.

Start recruiting now! We need more umpires in all three areas (field/goal/boundary). Talk with your local team players and fans about how much you enjoy umpiring and encourage them to consider the path.

Start planning now! Block out dates on calendars. Start watching flight prices and book when lowest. Talk with fellow umpires on lodging and transportation sharing options.



Jonathan Mills


USAFL Umpires Association


2023 USAFL UA Umpire Accreditations Awarded

From Jeff Persson – USAFLUA National Umpire Coach:
We have had a great year in terms of recruiting, retention, and re-engaging! Now that Nationals has ended, all of the 2023 accreditation and reaccredations have been recorded in the USAFLUA database, each being good for the next four years. The 2023 accreditations, by discipline, by level (note that (r) designates a re-accreditation), are listed below.
Goal, Introductory Certification (fka Level 0)
Arpeet Kamdar
Orion Peterson
Cooper Waddell
Goal, Development Accreditation (fka Level 1)
Kevin Gier
Bob Gravelle (r)
Evan Ling (r)
Laurie Rupe (r)
Goal, Advanced Accreditation (fka Level 2)
Sid Caesar (r)
Mark Gall (r)
Aaron Nelson (r)
Jason Sherlock (r)
Field, Introductory Certification (fka Level 0)
Larissa Andrusyshyn
Field, Development Accreditation (fka Level 1)
Adam Alvarez
Jim Batten (r)
Jeff Blankman (r)
Simon Boyce (r)
Dave Bryant
Matt Byrne (r)
Michael Coysh
Darren Henderson (r)
Rob Liwanag
Glen McLeod
Jack O’Dell
Matt O’Leary (r)
Field Advanced Accreditation (fka Level 2)
Paul Lashier
Milo Lombardi (r)
Ross McLaren (r)
Seth McElvaney (r)
Kevin Murray
Steve Noble
On behalf of the whole coaching crew, and all your fellow umpires,
   ***   Congratulations to all of you!   ***


2023-2024 USAFLUA Leadership

President: Jon Mills – Term ends 2024
Vice President: Steve Arnott – Term ends 2025
Treasurer: Sid Caesar – Term ends 2025
Secretary: Tara Miller – Term ends 2024
Member at Large #1: Adam Alvarez – Term ends 2024
Member at Large #2: Ryan Minmier – Term ends 2024
Member at Large #3: Bevan Main – Term ends 2025
Member at Large #4: Seth McElvaney – Term ends 2025
Member at Large – AFL Canada: Richard Ogilvie – Term ends 2025

National Umpire Coach: Jeff Persson
Umpire Coach – Field: Jon Mills
Umpire Coach – Goal: Toby Persson


2023 Approved AFL/USAFL Rule Changes and Interpretations Sumummary Chart Link

All USAFLUA Umpires should be aware of all of the differences between the current USAFLUA interpretations of the AFL Laws, in preparation for the 2023 USAFL National Tournament in October.

2023 AFL-USAFL Rules and Interpretations Summary Chart

Questions can be sent to the USAFLUA at Info@USAFLUA.org



USAFLUA.org – The official site for Australian Rules Football Umpiring in the United States.

The United States Australian Football League Umpires Association (USAFLUA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit sports organization dedicated to the development, growth, and enhancement of umpires for the game of Australian Football.




The USAFLUA is proud to be partners with these Umpire Associations